CeraVe Avis 2023 | Cela En Vaut La Peine?

How many times have you heard of the CeraVe brand? I won’t even try to guess. The brand is so popular that people who aren’t into skincare have heard of it or maybe even tried it. It is the #1 dermatologist recommended brand on the market. For what? Why so much popularity? What do dermatologists find special about CeraVe? We’ll answer these questions and more by giving you CeraVe reviews.

CeraVe Review 2022

If there was a Billboard for skincare, some CeraVe products would still be in the top 10. CeraVe’s standout isn’t all-natural skincare or luxury ingredients. No. Behind their success is a solid, hard science that WORKS. Let’s break this down and review some of their best-selling products.

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Reviews | What Makes It Unique?

CeraVe was developed using extensive research conducted by dermatologists. Dermatologists have noticed that many skin problems occur because of a damaged skin barrier. To change that, they created a skincare line where all products contain three essential ceramides. Ceramides are what make up the natural skin barrier. When these start to break down, a person becomes prone to skin problems. Thus, ceramides are like cement that holds the structure together. This factor has become CeraVe’s specialty and the reason for its growth.

Here’s what people think of CeraVe’s top-selling products.

CeraVe Cleansing Cream Reviews

Many skin problems start with using the wrong cleanser. Cleaners are the products we use most often. If you live in a heavily polluted area or sweat a lot, you may need to cleanse your face several times a day. Many cleansers strip the skin of its natural oils and upset the pH balance. This irritates the skin and causes problems like acne and even eczema. Not to mention that it damages your skin barrier, causing premature skin aging.

CeraVe Cleansing Cream Reviews

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So using a good cleanser is extremely important – both on your face and on your body. CeraVe offers many moisturizing cleansers. These remove impurities from the skin while maintaining a constant supply of hydration to the skin cells. Ceramides and hyaluronic acid are the main ingredients of this cleanser. These continue to nourish the skin even after washing off the cream.

CeraVe Hydrating Cleansing Cream can be used both on the face and on the body. It is a very gentle cleanser suitable for normal to very dry skin. Although it does not replace the use of moisturizer after bathing, it helps people with very sensitive skin. It has even been approved by the French Eczema Association.

Benefits –

  • Beneficial for sensitive and normal to very dry skin.
  • Does not irritate the skin and does not leave it dry.
  • Softens skin immediately after washing.
  • Does not contain perfume.
  • Helps restore the skin barrier.
  • Makes the skin more resistant to aggressors.

CeraVe Moisturizing Milk Reviews

It is a moisturizing cream intended for both the face and the body. It’s especially good if you have normal to dry, sensitive skin. In addition to CeraVe’s signature ceramide formula, the moisturizer also contains hyaluronic acid. Ceramides are encapsulated in the cream to provide long term protection and effectiveness. Hyaluronic acid helps trap moisture in the skin to keep it healthy.

CeraVe Review Moisturizing Milk

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La texture est très légère et la crème elle-même est non grasse. Bien que les huiles soient bonnes pour nourrir la peau, elles peuvent être trop inconfortables pour les peaux sensibles. La crème n’est pas lourde et peut être appliquée en hiver comme en été.

CeraVe utilise une technologie unique pour assurer la libération des ingrédients dans la peau pendant une longue période. Appliquez donc cette crème une seule fois par jour et profitez de ses bienfaits durables.

Avantages –

  • Bon pour les peaux sensibles et normales/sèches.
  • Ne contient pas de parfum.
  • La texture est très légère et pénètre rapidement dans la peau.
  • Non gras.
  • Répare la barrière cutanée en reconstituant les céramides.
  • L’acide hyaluronique assure une bonne hydratation tout au long de la journée

Négatifs –

  • Some people with very dry skin have complained that it doesn’t work for them. They say hydration is not enough.
  • It contains phenoxyethanol which can be an endocrine disruptor in high doses. However, it is at a safe dosage in the cream.

CeraVe Cleansing Gel Review

This foaming cleanser comes in the form of a refreshing gel. It is best for oily or acne-prone skin. Foaming action eliminates acne-causing bacteria and unclogs pores. Although it does not contain any active acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, users have always praised its effectiveness.

CeraVe Cleansing Gel Reviews

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A common myth about acne is that you should use as little moisturizer as possible because it will increase your acne. Bad. Hydrated skin is essential to prevent acne breakouts. If the skin is dry, the skin cells start producing more oil to maintain the natural balance. This results in oily skin and pimples. So keep your skin hydrated if you don’t want acne!

This cleanser contains niacinamide along with ceramides to provide long-lasting hydration. Niacinamide is also good for improving skin texture and removing acne marks. But, as I said, this cleanser does not contain any anti-acne ingredients. That’s why you can use this CeraVe cleanser to prevent acne but not to treat it. If you rely on other acne treatments like tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide creams, you can use this cleanser as a great complement to those. Also, it can be used to control oily skin.

Benefits –

  • Does not irritate the skin barrier.
  • Deep cleans to remove impurities and unclog pores.
  • Niacinamide helps heal acne marks.
  • It is a good prevention against acne.
  • Controls oil production in the skin.

Negatives –

  • It cannot effectively cure existing acne. If you have stubborn acne , look for cleansers containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

CeraVe Anti-Roughness Reviews

The causes of rough skin can be many. Usually we think of rough skin and dry skin as the same. But the problem of roughness goes much deeper. A combination of two things gives roughness. First, your skin is not getting enough moisture. Second, there is an accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin. CeraVe Anti-Roughness Gel combats both of these problems.


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Hyaluronic acid and salicylic acid (and ceramides, of course) are the main ingredients here. Hyaluronic acid regenerates the skin by keeping it constantly hydrated. Salicylic acid gently exfoliates the skin, removing all those dead skin cells. Ceramides fulfill their usual function which is to improve the skin barrier. The result? Much smoother skin in just a few days! For best results, apply twice daily.

Benefits –

  • Effective against keratosis pilaris. This is a skin condition that causes small, rough patches on the skin that look like bumps.
  • Hydrates and exfoliates at the same time.
  • Reduces skin dryness.
  • Without soap.
  • Fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.

CeraVe Moisturizing Balm Review

You might be wondering: how many different moisturizers does CeraVe offer, exactly? I haven’t counted them all exactly, but the answer is a lot. Each one is slightly different from the rest. Usually, CeraVe moisturizers can be used by all skin types, but they always have different ones. This cream is intended for dry or very dry skin. Indeed, the texture of the moisturizing balm is thicker than that of the moisturizing milk. It provides greater and longer hydration.

Cerave Moisturizing Balm

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So, if you have very dry skin, go for this one. It is approved by the French Eczema Association which certifies that it does not contain any harmful ingredients. The list of ingredients is not much different from what CeraVe products usually contain. Namely – Hyaluronic acid, glycerin and ceramides. The concentration of hyaluronic acid and glycerin is higher than that of moisturizing milk.

Benefits –

  • Very very moisturizing cream. Intended for people with particularly dry skin.
  • Can be used on both face and body.
  • Fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.
  • Ensures long-lasting hydration after application.
  • The quantity/price ratio is good.

CeraVe Eye Contour

Many of us can thank our parents for those pesky dark circles. These dark circles are genetic and in short, there is no hope that they will disappear. But most of the time, dark circles are not genetic. They are caused by lack of sleep (or too much sleep), stress or exposure to the sun. While making sure you sleep well, don’t stress too much, and wear sunscreen are essential to prevent dark circles, these methods are not quick fixes. So, for a quick and effective treatment of dark circles, dermatologists recommend CeraVe Repair Cream.

Restorative cream

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Bearing in mind that the eye contour is very delicate, this cream has been designed with a light texture. It easily penetrates the skin and repairs damaged skin. Your skin needs nourishment, just like your body. Lack of food makes the eyes dull and dark. CeraVe Repair Cream contains vitamins and niacinamide to soothe the eye area; hyaluronic acid to hydrate delicate skin; ceramides to repair the skin barrier and marine plant extracts to brighten the skin.

This multi-action cream is suitable for all skin types and does not cause negative reactions. It does not contain any perfume that could irritate the skin around the eyes. In addition, the cream is non-greasy and very soft.

Benefits –

  • Treat dark circles thanks to its strong composition of active ingredients.
  • Gentle on the skin. Does not cause irritation.
  • Instantly soothes dehydrated skin.
  • Without perfume.
  • Light and non-greasy texture.

Negatives –

  • May cause a burning sensation if you have very delicate skin. This is very rare but if it happens discontinue use immediately

CeraVe Vitamin C Serum Review

Vitamin C is one of those ingredients that dermatologists love. So naturally, they created a vitamin C serum. The benefits of this nutrient in your diet and on your skin are extremely good. Also, the effects of vitamin C when applied to the skin are supported by scientific studies .

Cerave vitamin C serum reviews

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CeraVe contains vitamin C in its most potent form which is ascorbic acid. The concentration of ascorbic acid in the serum is a good 10% which can be really effective. The serum helps smooth wrinkles, treat dark spots and protect skin from sun damage. The overall effect is a brighter complexion and fewer skin issues overall. Indeed, vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, makes the skin resistant to damage and ceramides support the health of the skin barrier.

Benefits –

  • Brightens and unifies the complexion.
  • Prevents damage caused by external aggressions.
  • Regenerates the skin.
  • Prevents skin aging.
  • Fragrance-free, non-comedogenic.

CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion AM Review

This moisturizer is specially designed to be worn before going out. It contains an SPF 30 sufficient for sun protection. You can skip sunscreen after applying this moisturizer.

moisturizing lotion

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It is suitable for all skin types due to its fine consistency. It contains hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and the three ceramides. It hydrates the skin throughout the day, so there is no need to reapply it. However, you should reapply sunscreen every two to three hours to ensure continued protection. 

This product has nothing to offer in terms of treating skin problems. But just like a regular-use moisturizer, it’s good. I don’t recommend buying it on Amazon. Several customers reported that the product they got was not legit. 

Benefits –

  • Moisturizing with SPF.
  • Hydrates all skin types.
  • Fragrance-free and non-comedogenic.

Frequently asked Questions

How to use CeraVe foaming gel?

CeraVe Foaming Gel can be used to clear acne. Use it as a cleanser twice a day or whenever your face is irritated by dirt or pollution.

Why CeraVe?

CeraVe is a dermatologist recommended brand. Their unique composition of ceramides with moisturizing ingredients ensures that the skin remains healthy.

Is CeraVe a good brand?

Yes, CeraVe is a good brand. It is a brand developed by dermatologists. If you use CeraVe products, you will improve the health of your skin because the products are specially designed to improve the skin barrier. It will make you more resistant to skin problems.

Does CeraVe test on animals?

No, CeraVe is not tested on animals.

CeraVe Or La Roche Posay?

Both brands are extremely popular with people. If you want more products for sensitive skin, check out La Roche Posay. If you want to prevent skin problems (or treat them!) and want products for other skin types, check out CeraVe.

Cerave or la roche posay

CeraVe Or Avene?

CeraVe doesn’t have many moisturizers for oily skin. Generally, their main target is people with sensitive and dry skin who are prone to skin problems. If you have oily skin, Avène products might be more suitable for you.

Cerave or avene

CeraVe where to buy?

Buy CeraVe at a pharmacy or store near you. You can also buy it online but sometimes a fake product is delivered. So be careful with that.

CeraVe Review Conclusion

CeraVe has been one of the most popular skin care brands since its inception. They have provided good and effective products with no adverse effects. Dermatologists have recommended the brand to all their patients. And so, after so many years, CeraVe has acquired a devoted following.

But now times are changing. We are not only looking for effective products, but also durable ones. CeraVe products contain a lot of synthetic ingredients which do no harm to anyone but still… the composition could be more natural. Additionally, CeraVe offers very few products for oily skin. Everyone’s skin is different. You can look for brands that offer a wide collection of products for every skin type. Or maybe you want to switch to natural skincare ? Whatever your reason, you don’t have to use CeraVe just because everyone else uses it. Find the products that work best for you.

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About D. Cluzel

Je suis D. Cluzel, une femme aux multiples talents qui a embrassé à la fois le monde de la littérature et le domaine de la beauté, mon parcours a été marqué par la créativité, l'exploration et la poursuite des passions. Après avoir terminé mes études, j'ai décidé de poursuivre simultanément mes deux passions. Je suis devenue une spécialiste certifiée des cosmétiques, plongeant dans la science et l'art derrière le maquillage et les soins de la peau. Cette entreprise m'a permis de combiner mon amour pour l'esthétique avec mon désir d'aider les autres à se sentir en confiance et beaux dans leur peau. Pour honorer mes compétences de spécialiste des cosmétiques, j'ai continué à développer mon talent d'écrivain. Je me suis plongé dans le métier, étudiant les œuvres de géants littéraires et me plongeant dans les nuances de la narration. L'écriture est devenue mon exutoire créatif, un moyen d'explorer les complexités de l'expérience humaine et de partager mes idées avec le monde.

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